
Snorkeling during Period?- A quick helpful guide [2024]

Hey, you all beautiful divas. If you’ve ever thought about going snorkeling or scuba diving while on your period. You’re not alone! Many of you may wonder whether it’s safe and comfortable to snorkel during your period. For some, getting in the water while menstruating may seem off-putting. Interestingly for some- does my period blood attract sharks? is more concerning.

So for all who are thinking- is snorkeling during period safe? Yes! It is perfectly fine and safe to go scuba diving and snorkeling during period. With a little preparation and with few extra precautions you can have an amazing snorkeling experience. Snorkeling is a fun activity that can be enjoyed year-round, even during your period. Many women enjoy snorkeling while on their periods.

In this article, we will share some quick and friendly guides and tips for comfortable snorkeling during your period and examine whether period blood attracts sharks or not!

snorkeling during period

Understanding Menstruation

Before diving into the topic of snorkeling during periods, it is essential to have a basic understanding of menstruation itself:

  • Menstruation is a natural process that happens in a female’s body with uterus. It’s often referred to as a “period.”
  • Every month, the lining of the uterus gets ready to welcome a fertilized egg in case of pregnancy. But if no pregnancy happens, the body doesn’t need that lining anymore, so it sheds it in the form of bloody secretions.
  • During menstruation, which typically lasts around three to seven days, a female will experience some bleeding. It’s like a little reminder from your body saying, “Hey, no pregnancy this month, so we’re clearing things out!”
  • This process repeats itself every month, and it’s a sign that everything is working as it should in the reproductive system.
  • It’s important to remember that menstruation is different for everyone. Some people experience light flow, while others have heavier periods. Some might have minimal discomfort, while others may experience severe cramps, bloating, or mood swings. It’s all part of the uniqueness of our bodies.

Busting some myths now

I have cramps! I cant do snorkeling?

cramps period ocean
Image Credit- Pixabay
  • According to a research by Penn Medicine has shown that swimming or snorkeling while on your period can actually reduce your cramps. Aerobic exercise releases endorphins that can act like natural pain killers.
  • Studies have shown that physical exercise — including swimming — can help take your mind off the discomfort and actually relieve soreness. This can reduce pain and bloating that may be associated with your periods.
  • One study of 70 women with regular period cramps (primary dysmenorrhea) found that those who exercised regularly over 4 weeks had improved levels of pain.
  • Researchers found that 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week helped significantly improve the severity of period cramps after 8 weeks.

does my period actually stop in water?

  • This is a common myth that has been circulating for some time. Menstrual flow is not affected by the upthrust of water.
  • However, the water may dilute the blood, making it less visible. This can create the misconception that the period has stopped, but in reality, the flow is continuing as usual.
  • According to Women’s Health Magazine It doesn’t matter if you’re in water or on the top of a mountain or in a ditch, your period still comes,” says Michele Haughton, MD, an Ob-Gyn at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian.
  • Think back to your high school physics class for a second: You may remember the word buoyancy. Also known as “upthrust,” is the upward force a liquid exerts to counter the weight of an object (this is the reason that certain things float and others don’t). “Water has way more resistance than air,” says Dr. Haughton. “So water can counteract but not stop the blood flowing out of the vagina.”

Is it really safe? Does my period blood attract sharks?

snorkeling during period
Image credit- Pixabay
  • Despite myths, there is no evidence that period blood attracts sharks or fish while snorkeling.
  • According to National Library of Medicine, Your monthly period is a complex biological fluid actually made up of three main fluids: blood, vaginal secretions, and cells shedding from the walls of your uterus. It is unlikely sharks can identify it as a blood or be attracted to it.
  • So snorkeling during your period does not appear to increase risk of shark attacks. women can feel comfortable snorkeling during menstruation without fear of shark or any marine life interactions.
  • Interestingly, sharks do have an acute sense of smell and can detect blood at very low concentrations.
  • As per University of Hawaii sharks have better nostrils/Olga factory glands than humans, and can detect even small amounts of blood from far away. In fact, a great white shark can detect a single drop of blood within a three mile radius.
  • More than 80% of recorded shark bites happened to men.  
  • It is recommended not to snorkel while bleeding from an open wound which can actually attract sharks.
Snorkeling during period

Tips for Snorkeling during period

It’s finally time for your long-awaited snorkeling trip! But your period decided to crash the party. Now you’re worried if you can still safely enjoy snorkeling while menstruating. Not to worry – with some preparation and precaution, you can have an amazing time snorkeling during your period. Just follow these tips and precautions and you are great to go:

Pick the right protection

  • The ocean can be unpredictable, so make sure you use the most reliable period product to avoid leaks.
  • Tampons and menstrual cups are popular options as they are less likely to leak in water compared to pads.
  • Tampons are your best bet for water activities. Go for a higher absorbency tampon to handle the waves.
  • If you use a menstrual cup, test it out leakage-wise before your trip. And if you do choose to wear a pad, make sure it’s designed for swimming.
  • It’s also a good idea to use a liner or padded bikini bottoms as backup protection. This helps prevent any embarrassing moments just in case.
  • Pack extra tampons and pads in a waterproof bag too so you can change as needed.

Choose the right swimwear

  • Wearing dark colored swim bottoms can provide extra coverage and confidence in the water. Black, navy blue, or dark red bikini bottoms or swim shorts will disguise any unlikely leaks or stains.
  • Rash guards and swim skirts add another layer of security and comfort. They can conceal pads or tampons strings hanging out of your bikini. And the tight fit of rash guards may even provide some compression to ease menstrual cramps!
  • Wearing wetsuits or specially designed full-body suits for swimming can help prevent leaks and provide extra security.

Stay hydrated

  • Dehydration from the sun, saltwater, and swimming can worsen period cramps Be sure to drink plenty of water and electrolytes before, during, and after snorkeling.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine which can elevate dehydration. Take hydrating fruits and veggies.
  • Take proper breaks to rehydrate yourself

Listen to your body

  • Don’t forget to tune into your body’s signals while snorkeling. If you start experiencing any kind of discomfort, take a break or stop for the day.
  • If you feel cramps, fatigue, or discomfort, take a break from snorkeling to rest. Don’t overexert yourself.
  • There’s always tomorrow to get back in the water! Respecting your body’s limits allows you to fully enjoy the times when you do feel good

Overcoming Emotional Concerns

Self-acceptance and body positivity

  • Embrace your body and its natural processes. Menstruation is a normal part of life, and it should not hinder your enjoyment of activities like snorkeling.
  • Remember that every girl menstruates every month, and it shouldn’t be a source of embarrassment

Seek support:

  • Talk to friends or family members about your concerns, as they can provide reassurance and advice based on their own experiences.
  • Engaging with online communities or forums dedicated to menstruation can also help address any anxieties you may have.

Talk to your tour guide

  • Talk to your snorkeling tour guide or instructor can make the experience much smoother.
  • Let them know privately that you have your period so they understand if you need extra bathroom breaks or time back on the boat.
  • Most guides will be discreet, helpful and accommodating.


So, ladies, fear not – snorkeling during your period can be a blast with a bit of prep and good vibes. No need to avoid snorkeling solely for reasons of menstruation and remember, the shark myth is just that – a myth. Bring out your gear, choose your spot wisely, be aware of your surroundings and do not snorkel with open wounds. And hey, if you’ve got specific health concerns, chat with your healthcare provider for that extra peace of mind. Do remember, a great snorkeling waiting for you any time. Happy snorkeling! 🌊✨

FAQs: Snorkeling During Period

Q1: Is it safe to go snorkeling during menstruation?
A: Yes, it is generally safe to go snorkeling during menstruation. Taking proper precautions such as using the right menstrual product, maintaining hygiene, and staying hydrated can help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Q2: Can sharks be attracted to menstrual blood while snorkeling?
A: No, sharks are not attracted to menstrual blood. While sharks have a keen sense of smell for blood, menstrual blood does not contain a significant amount of blood or chemicals to attract them. However, it is important to exercise caution while snorkeling in areas known for shark presence.

Q3: What menstrual products are suitable for snorkeling?
A: Menstrual products such as tampons and menstrual cups are popular choices for snorkeling. They provide reliable protection and are less likely to leak in water compared to pads. Choose the product that suits your preferences and comfort level.

Q4: How often should I change my menstrual product while snorkeling?
A: It is recommended to change your tampon or menstrual cup before and after snorkeling to maintain cleanliness and prevent infections. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how long to wear the product and never exceed the recommended time.

Q5: What if I experience discomfort or fatigue while snorkeling during period?
A: It is important to listen to your body and take breaks as needed. Snorkeling can be physically demanding, and menstruation may cause increased fatigue. Stay hydrated, rest when necessary, and enjoy the experience at your own pace.

Q6: How can I ensure hygiene while snorkeling during period?
A: Before entering the water, ensure good personal hygiene by taking a shower and thoroughly cleaning the external genital area. This helps reduce the risk of introducing bacteria into the water. Additionally, follow proper menstrual product hygiene by changing your product regularly.

Q7: Can I wear a pad while snorkeling?
A: While it is possible to wear a pad while snorkeling, it is not recommended. Pads are more likely to become saturated and uncomfortable in water. Tampons or menstrual cups are better options as they are designed to be used during water activities.

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